ANNOUNCEMENT: fMRI Visiting Fellowship Program at Mass General Hospital

Kathy M. O'Craven kmo at rowland.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Wed Jan 21 22:47:10 EST 1998

The Massachusetts General Hospital and the MGH-NMR Center announce the next
		 Visiting Fellowship Program in fMRI
			    Mar. 4-7, 1998
Participants will receive a firm grounding in the fundamentals of
fMRI.  This will include the basic physics of MR imaging, the biology
and biophysics of the hemodynamic responses to neural activity, data
analysis (including both exploratory and statistical analyses),
stimulus presentation and response recording in the context of high
magnetic fields and electromagnetic pulses, and the design of
perceptual and cognitive experiments. A special emphasis of the course
will be the design, implementation, and execution of perceptual and/or
cognitive experiments by the participants.  A recent change to the
course is the addition of hands-on data analysis workshops.

The fMRI VFP is aimed at people who want to do research using fMRI for
neural activation studies.  The primary target audience is
neuroscientists, though the program has attracted psychologists,
neurologists, and physicists, as well as graduate students in many
fields.  It is primarily intended for people new to the field.
Tuition is $1000 (students, $600) for the 4 day program.  Enrollment
will be limited to 23, and the program often reaches this number, so
please register as early as possible.

We plan to offer the Visiting Fellowship Program again in June/July,
1998, and October 21-25, 1998.
World Wide Web:  http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fmrivfp
E-mail:   fmrivfp at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Fax:(617) 726-7422
Robert L. Savoy, Ph.D.        Director, fMRI Education
Kathleen O'Craven, Ph.D.      Assistant Director, fMRI Education
Thomas J. Brady, M.D.         Director, MGH-NMR Center
Bruce R. Rosen, M.D., Ph.D.   Director, Center for Functional Neuroimaging
                   MGH NMR Center, Boston, MA   USA

Note: There is also going to be a clinical fMRI lecture course, 3 days, in
October 1998, with probable dates of October 14-16.  This is the Wed, Thur,
Fri immediately prior to the week of the fMRI course, i.e., October 21-25.
Clinicians (radiologists, neurologists) could take the
lecture course and then have a 4 day weekend in Boston/New England during
foliage season, and then take the 4-day hands-on course.
The Clinical FMRI of the Brain Lecture Program is expected to have a
much larger audience.  It is a lecture series only.  There will be
some overlap of content with the fMRIVFP, but the Clinical FMRI
Lecture Program will emphasize clinical applications in a broader
range than just neural activation studies.  The Clinical FMRI Lecture
program will include presentations on diffusion and perfusion imaging
related to stroke recovery, tumor progression monitoring, etc.
Inquiries:  fMRIVFP at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

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