In article <En5BED.G95 at>, mentifex at
>In the vernacular, the mindgrid does not CARE about close-but-no-
>cigar instances of almost-but-not-quite LEARNING. The crucial e-
>vent in synaptic learning is that, at BOTH ends of an associative
>tag, synapses shall be so solidly strengthened that they MAINTAIN
>in perpetuity the tendency to fire and thus recall an association.
I realized that I may not have understood what you wrote above when
I wrote my initial response. If you mean that synaptic learning,
(i.e., the induction of causal expectations) is not a matter of
degree, I'll have to disagree. Synaptic strength is definitely a
measure of the strength of a temporal association between a condition
and an effect.
Louis Savain
President, Marengo Media, Inc.