is the ANML web site of Louis
Savain as announced on 20jan1998 in the Usenet newsgroup. "AI Minds for Uncontrollable Robots"
(uncontrollable in the Vingean sense that they will be autonomous)
links directly to Associative Network for Machine Learning (ANML).
Mr. Louis Savain gives praise on his site to Prof. Ernest W. Kent,
the author of "The Brains of Men and Machines," a book which on 4
March 1981 was acquisitioned into the Mentifex AI library because
Kent's January - April 1978 BYTE Magazine brain articles had been
absolutely essential to the development of this linguistic model:
Hearing Vision Concepts Volition Emotion Motor Output
/iiiiiii\ /!i!i!i!\ /YYYYYYYYYYYY\
| ||||||| || ||||||| | T | |||||||||||| |
| ||||||| || | ___ | | + | |||||||||||| |
| ||||||| || / \ | + | |S|||||||||| |
| ||||||| || (image)-|---+_ | |H|||||||||| |
| ||||||| || \___/ | / \ | |A|||||||||| |
| ||||||| || | (idea) __ | |K|||||||||| |
| | ||||| || | \__/---------------/ \ | |E|||R|||||| |
| |d------||---------|---+ ____ (fear)-|--*|||U|||||| |
| ||||o|| || | +-------/ \----\__/ | |||||N|||P|| |
| ||g|||| || | + / de- \---------|------*|||E|| |
| || |||| || | + ( ci- ) | |||||||||T|| |
| ||||||| || | + \ sion /---------|----------*|| |
| ||||||| || | + \____/ | |||||||||||| |
This Standard Model of the Brain-Mind is in the public domain and
may be html-displayed on any Web site with a link to Mentifex AI.