James W. Larkin jamesl at healthtech.com
Tue Jan 20 13:02:10 EST 1998

Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s
April 6-7, 1998 Hilton of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Trinucleotide Repeats: Where Are We Now and Where Should We Be 
        Dr. Jason Brandt, Johns Hopkins University (invited)
Approaches to Genome Analysis: An Update
        Incyte Pharmaceuticals (invited)
Mechanism-Based Approaches to Drug Development for Triplet 
        Dr. C.Thomas Caskey, Merck Research Laboratories

Model Systems
CTG Repeats Expand and Act as Length-Dependent Fragile Sites 
in Yeast
        Dr. Catherine H. Freudenreich, Princeton University
Androgen Receptor YAC Transgenic Mice Carrying (CAG)4,5
Alleles Show Trinucleotide Repeat Instability
        Dr. Albert La Spada, University of Washington
Expansion of d(CAG)xd(CTG)y Heteroduplex Structures in
Escherichia coli Is Enhanced in an Endonuclease V Background
        Dr. Michael Mitas, Oklahoma State University

Trinucleotide Repeats and Cancer
Microsatellite Instability as a Carcinogenetic Event
        Dr. Stephen J. Meltzer, University of Maryland
The CAG Repeat in the Androgen Receptor Gene: Its Role in
Health and Disease
        Dr. Phil Kantoff, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Targeted Genomic and cDNA Differential Display of
Trinucleotide Repeat Constaining Fragments
        Dr. Cassandra Smith, Boston University
PCR-Based Test for the Fragile X Trinucleotide Repeat
        Dr. John Wages, PE Applied Biosystems
Methods for DNA Extraction from Serum for PCR Analysis
of CAG Repeats in the Androgen Receptor
        Dr.William D. Figg, National Cancer Institute
Multicolor Genotyping of Repeats Using Capillary Array
Electrophoresis and the MegaBACE DNA Sequencer
        Dr. Elaine Mansfield, Molecular Dynamics
Mass Spec Approaches for Analyzing Proteins Encoded by
Trinucleotide Repeats
        Sequenome (invited)

Mechanisms of Pathology and Prospects for Therapeutics
Polyglutamine Expansion and Neurodegeneration: Search
for Candidate Genes, Role as Genetic Factor, and Prospects
for Therapeutics
        Dr. Christian Neri, Fondation Jean Dausset – CEPH
RNA Structure in Trinucleotide Repeats
        Dr. James McClellan, University of Portsmouth
SCA2: Phenotypes, Interacting Proteins, and Subcellular
        Dr. Stefan-M. Pulst, UCLA

The expansion of trinucleotide repeats is the underlying cause 
of a growing number of neurodegenerative diseases, as well as 
other disorders, such as certain cancers. Recent advances, 
including the use of a number of model systems, have provided 
insights into the mechanisms of pathology and point the way to 
lines of inquiry aimed at developing therapeutics, as well as 
more specific and efficacious diagnostics. Scientists interested 
in trinucleotide repeats will find this meeting an invaluable 
source of information about the latest developments in this 
rapidly advancing field.

Hilton of Santa Fe       Reservations made after the cut-off date
100 Sandoval             will be accepted on a space and rate
Santa Fe, NM 87501       availability basis. Available rooms are
                         limited, so please book early.
T: 505-988-2811
F: 505-986-6439          Please identify yourself as a Cambridge
Cut-off Date:            Healthtech Institute conference attendee
February 18, 1998        to receive the reduced room rate.     
Room Rate: $115 single/double occupancy

TRAVELWORLD              T: 717-288-9311 or 800-828-6033
601 Market Street        F: 717-288-4693
Kingston, PA 18704

Exclusive airline discounts are available on American Airlines as 
well as other specific airlines when tickets are purchased through 
TRAVELWORLD at least 14 days prior to the meeting date. Some
restrictions apply.

Cambridge Healthtech Institute encourages attendees to gain further 
exposure by presenting their work in the poster sessions.  Please fill 
out the registration form, with the poster title and primary author. 
To ensure inclusion in the conference binder, a one-page summary must 
be submitted by March 6, 1998..

Companies developing diagnostics or therapeutics for trinucleotide
repeat expansion diseases or offering such services should consider 
taking advantage of this opportunity to reach highly targeted 
international audience of senior researchers and managers most 
involved in this field. Please contact Jim MacNeil of Cambridge 
Healthtech Institute at 617-630-1341 to obtain an exhibitor package 
or to inquire about offering a workshop during the meeting. Exhibit 
space is limited, so call now to reserve a space at this event.

Each registration includes all conference sessions, posters and 
exhibits, one luncheon and reception, continental breakfasts, all 
refreshment breaks, and a copy of the document binder.

Handicapped Equal Access: In accordance with the ADA, Cambridge 
Healthtech Institute is pleased to arrange for special accommodations
for attendees with special needs. All requests for such assistance 
must be submitted in writing to CHI at least 30 days prior to the
start of the meeting.

Substitution/Cancellation Policy
In the event that you need to cancel a registration you may:
        Transfer your registration to a colleague within your 
        Credit your registration to another Cambridge Healthtech 
        Institute program.
        Request a refund minus a $75 processing fee.
        Request a refund minus the cost ($195) of ordering a copy 
        of the document binder.
Cancellations will only be accepted up to one week prior to the 

Program and speakers are subject to change.

------------------------Cut and Print Here------------------------
Yes! |__| Please register me for Trinucleotide Repeats       588 E

Academic, Government, Hospital-Affiliated 
        |__| Advance Registration (by February 27, 1998) $395
        |__| On-site or Late Registration $445

        |__| Advance Registration (by February 27, 1998) $845
        |__| On-site or Late Registration $945

FIRST NAME:______________________LAST NAME:__________________________
TITLE: __________________________DIV./DEPT.:_________________________
CITY/STATE/ZIP: ______________________COUNTRY:_______________________

|__| Please send information on exhibiting and opportunities to 
     present workshops.
|__| Enclosed is a check or money order payable to Cambridge 
     Healthtech Institute, drawn on a U.S. bank, in U.S. currency.
|__| Please charge: |__| AMEX (15 digits) |__| Visa (13 to 16 digits) 
                    |__| MasterCard (16 digits)
CARD #:______________________________________________________________
EXP. DATE:___________________________________________________________
CARDHOLDER’S NAME:___________________________________________________
CARDHOLDER’S ADDRESS (if different from above):______________________

|__| Reserve with credit card information listed above and invoice 
     me. (Invoices must be paid in full by the deadline to retain 
     registration discount. Invoices unpaid one week prior to 
     conference will be billed to credit card at full registration 
     rate.) If you plan to register on site, please check with CHI 
     beforehand for space availability.
|__| I am interested in presenting a poster at Trinucleotide Repeats 
     and will provide an abstract by March 6, 1998.
Poster title:________________________________________________________

FAX or MAIL your registration to:
Cambridge Healthtech Institute
1037 Chestnut Street
Newton Upper Falls, MA 02164
tel: 617-630-1300
fax: 617-630-1325

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