On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, Pierre-Herve Luppi wrote:
> In article <Pine.LNX.3.91.980118103821.18848E-100000 at Hera>,
>sblack at UBISHOPS.CA (Stephen Black) wrote:
>> >Well, I care a lot less about getting a message in MIME, which is clearly
> >unintentional, than about getting such an unpleasant and intolerant
Yes, it is unintentional, but it also contributes to non-ASCI noise in my
mailbox. Usually I reflexively hit delete, but occasional replies to the
offender are in order. Such replies have to be memorable, which Terry did,
very succinctly. Thanks, Terry.
> >comment on it. Let's keep a minimum level of civility and politeness in
> >our messages, ok? I apologize to luppi at Sommeil on behalf of all of us on
> >this list for the bad manners of Terry Smith.
Look, this is the Usenet. Long ago, a certain communication code has been
established -- which you, as a new user should adapt to. Not vice versa.
How's that for rude?
> >
> >-Stephen
>> Thanks a lot for your kind support. I indeed apparently did not configure my
> new mailer Outlook Express 4 for Mac the right way. I am a subscriber of
> bionet.neuroscience and receives the mail in my mailbox. I composed the
> message as usual using the adress of the mailing list. Apparently, I had to
> uncheck the format HTML (rich text) in the format menu but I was not aware
HTML is not a mailing standard. HTML is not a standard at all. Using
HTML-capable mailers, or, heavenforbid, misusing web browsers for mailers
is _not_ a wise thing to do. Next time, when your hard disk gets
reformated by an automagically invoked virus from a mail attachement, you
will remember my words.
> this was necessary. I have been also surprised by the rude answer I
> received.
Look up 'flaming' in a dictionary. And no, Terry has not flamed you.