1D-PAGE software: free/shareware??

ecastro at eucmax.sim.ucm.es ecastro at eucmax.sim.ucm.es
Mon Jan 19 13:50:36 EST 1998

   A friend at the lab is now running 1D-PAGE gels. We have no sophisticated
equipment to analyze these gels, but I think that with a good digital camera
(now even in stores) and a computer we can save a lot of money.

   I my memory does not fool me, NIH Image was a free software that could
analyze tiff's files from gels and give band intensity for each protein band or
dot: Am I right? I only want to measure relative optical density along the lane.

  I would like to know if such a software do exist as freeware or shareware.
Any tips are wellcome (if you have any idea about the best cheap camera for
this job...)

Thanks a lot

Enrique Castro   

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