We just bought a used Grass model P16 to make extracellular recordings.
However, we need the optional high impedance probe (Model HIP 16) to be abl=
to make units recordings. I just called Grass and they told me that the P16
and the probes are no longer available. Therefore, if somebody have a high
impedance probe in stock, we will be very glad if he could sell it to us.
Thanks in advance for your help
Luppi Pierre-Herv=E9
Fax: (33) 4 78 77 71 72 Tel : (33) 4 78 77 71 23
Faculte de Medecine, 8, avenue Rockefeller,
69373, LYON, cedex 08,
http://sommeil.univ-lyon1.fr (The best server on sleep!!!!)
>From: "John H. Casada" <casada at uthscsa.edu>
>To: neur-sci at net.bio.net>Subject: Re: New Explanation of Tourette's Syndrome
>Date: Ven 16 Jan 1998 19:31
>> On Tue, 13 Jan 1998 11:08:53 -0600, James Howard
>> <jmhoward at sprynet.com> I see yae wrote:
>>>> :>I have developed an explanation of epilepsy
>> :>that suggests that epileptic seizures occur to increase DHEA.
>>My point of incredulity was reached when I began seeing posts like this
>all the time. It is one thing to constuct "explanations" and state that
>almost every disease imaginable is due to DHEA. It is completely
>another to test the hypotheses.