Nissl Staining

Christine McGregor af826 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA
Fri Jan 16 13:24:26 EST 1998

Incheol Shin (icshin at bioneer.kaist.ac.kr) writes:
> Dear Researchers,
> I'm trying to stain hippocampal pyrimidal neuron.
> But unfortunately I don't have protocol for
> Nissl Staining. If somebody have the protocol,
> please email me or post follow-ups.
> Thanks in advance,
> Incheol Shin
> --
>                     o
>                   o  It was a wedding ring,
>   \  __\\___    o    Destined to be found in a cheap hotel,
>    \/     o \ o      Lost in a kitchen sink,
>    /\_<_____/        Or thrown in a wishing well.
>   /                  - Warm Wet Circles - Fish
Hi Incheol. I'm reading your request rather late (Jan 16). Have you had all
the responses you need? You don't mention which dye you want to use...
thionin, neutral red, cresyl violet, etc. I have several protocols, so let
me know if you still need one.
Christine McGregor
Mountain, Ontario
af826 at freenet.carleton.ca

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