European Journal of Neurology
A Rapid Science publication
Official Journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies
1 European Journal of Neurology: five years already F. Boller and
P. Soelberg Sorensen
3 Neuroimaging in Europe - the present and the future J. Olesen
5 Neuroimaging in European academic neurology: present status and
future organization
European Federation of Neurological Societies Task Force on
17 Changes in functional outcome in inpatient stroke rehabilitation
resulting from new health policy regulations in Italy
S. Paolucci, M. Traballesi, L.E. Gialloreti, L. Pratesi, S. Lubich, G.
Antonucci and C. Caltagirone
23 Seasonal variation in the occurrence of ischaemic stroke and
subarachnoid hemorrhage in Siberia, Russia. A population-based study
V.L. Feigin and Y.P. Nikitin
29 b2-Glycoprotein I - dependent anticardiotropin antibodies in
ischaemic stroke
P. Fiallo, C. Tomasina and P.P. Cardo
35 Magnetic resonance imaging findings in 22 cases of myelitis:
comparison between patients with and without multiple sclerosis
R. Bakshi, P.R. Kinkel, L.L. Metchler, V.E. Bates, B.D. Lindsay, S.E.
Esposito and W.R. Kinkel
49 Subclinical cerebral involvement in Behçet's disease: a SPECT
study O. Avci, E. Kutluay, M. Argon, S. Erdem and A. Tahsin Günes
55 Quantitative techniques for lesion load measurement in multiple
sclerosis: an assessment of the global threshold technique after non
uniformity and histogram matching corrections
P.D. Molyneux, L. Wang, M. Lai, G.J. Barker, P.S. Tofts, I.F. Moseley
and D.H. Miller
61 Attention impairment in recently diagnosed multiple sclerosis K.
Dujardin, A.C. Donze and P. Hautecoeur
67 The striatum in a putative cerebral network activated by verbal
awareness in normals and in ADHD children
H.C. Lou, J. Andresen, B. Steinberg, T. McLaughlin and L. Friberg
75 Cerebral blood flow velocity and perfusion in purulent
meningitis: a comparative TCD and 99M-TC-HMPAO-SPECT study
H.-P. Haring, A. Kampfl, G. Grubwieser, E. Donnemiller, B. Pfausler
and E. Schmutzhard
83 Seizure occurrence during ovulatory and anovulatory cycles in
patients with temporal lobe epilepsy: a prospective study
J. Bauer, W. Burr and C.E. Elger
89 Neurophysiological and radiological findings in myotonic
dystrophy patients
B. Fierro, O. Daniele, A. Aloisio, D. Buffa, V. La Bua, M. Oliveri, L.
Manfrè and F. Brighina
95 Acute primary cerebral angiitis mimicking basilar artery
dissection J.J.M. Kruisdijk and J.A.L. Vanneste
99 Magnetic resonance inaging of subacute myelopathy due to
cobalamin deficiency
C. Masson, J.M. Colombani and H. Dehen
103 Encephalopathy and biopsy-proven cerebrovascular inflammatory
changes in a cocaine abuser
E. Díez-Tejedor, A. Frank, M. Gutiérrez and P. Barreiro
109 Antineuronal antibody-associated paraneoplastic neuropathy in
Hodgkin's disease
F. Blaes, M. Strittmatter, J. Schwamborn, G. Heide, G.F. Hamann, S.
Merkelbach and K. Schimrigk
113 Limb shaking in multiple system atrophy
L. D'Olhaberriague, D. Horoupian, G.K. Wenning and I. Litvan
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issues of NeuroReport, Alzheimer's Research, European Journal of
Neurology, Current Opinion in Neurology, Journal of Neurocytology,
Clinical Autonomic Research and International Clinical