On Tue, 13 Jan 1998 11:08:53 -0600, James Howard
<jmhoward at sprynet.com> I see yae wrote:
:>I have developed an explanation of epilepsy
:>that suggests that epileptic seizures occur to increase DHEA. Now,
:>the case of haloperidol, only certain parts of the brain may be
:>affected, and the tics may represent small seizures, the purpose of
:>which is to stimulate DHEA. It is known that tics are sometimes
:>misdiagnosed as seizure activity. (You may read my theory of
:>at http://www.naples.net/~nfn03605.) (My work also suggests that
:>addiction of smoking is due to the DHEA stimulated by nicotine, in
:>individuals who can continue to produce DHEA with nicotine.)
James ,
Are you a Dr ? ,Neurologist ? or Scientist ? what ?
I ask because I find this a bit hard to swallow .
If the patches did help wouldn't smoking it's self help ,They both
contain the same ingredients only smoking is pure where the patches
are synthetic .
Also regarding the TS ,I have learned that it is in fact Not
hereditary . This was said on American Television though I myself did
not see it .
Regards ,
Dave Ferguson
Strathearn Neurological Access Point
snapweb at rocketmail.comhttp://www.sol.co.uk/k/keir/snap1.htm