Why does every neurotransmission involve the release of ATP?

Scott Ramsey scott.ramsey at mcmail.vanderbilt.edu
Wed Jan 14 21:58:19 EST 1998

perhaps it is degraded to adenosine by ecto-nucleotidases...
see Rosenberg and Li, Brain Res 692:227 (1995) for a start.

do you know that purinergic receptors are not synaptically localized?

Terrence Brannon wrote:

> If ATP has its effects intracellularly and if synaptic receptors are
> not purinergic, then what is the physiological utility of such release?
> --
> Terrence Brannon * brannon at lnc.usc.edu * http://lnc.usc.edu/~brannon
> USC, HNB, 3614 Watt Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 * (213) 740-3397
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