Employment opportunities

Anurag Shrivastava menus at servtech.com
Tue Jan 13 15:02:00 EST 1998

To whom it may concern,
		I am a recent graduate of the University of Rochester in New York, 
earning both a BS in neuroscience and a BA in pyschology.  I am 
currently searching for work in the pharmaceutical industry, and am 
having a lot of trouble getting my foot in the door.  I have worked 
for over a year in academic research at Strong Memorial Hospital in 
Rochester, and am very eager to build a career of it.  It seems that 
the private sector offers many advantages over academic work for 
individuals like myself. If anyone knows of any openings or 
opportunities in the private sector, please reply back as soon as is 
convenient.  Thanks for your time and consideration.  Anurag 

Anurag Shrivastava
58 Framingham Lane
Pittsford, NY 14534

phone: 716-461-1536
pager: 716-936-7604
e-mail: menus at servtech.com

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