Ion permeability of amphotericin B pores

Tae-Young Ahn tyahn at nuri.net
Wed Jan 14 00:15:23 EST 1998

Udo Kraushaar wrote:

> Hi,
> does anyone know a paper where the permeability of several ions tof
> ampho B is
> tested? In detail I'm interested in the permeability of Cl- in
> comparison to
> nystatin and gramicidin, respectively.
> Thanks for any hint
> Udo

Sure, Udo.
You must only read following papers:

Journal of Neuroscience Methods (1991) Vol. 37., 15-26
Biophysical Journal (1995) Vol., 69., 2541-2557

And click here. Refer to following web site.


In case of my experimental experience, you must carefully solubilize
Amphotericin B powder in DMSO in appropriate time range.

Tae-Young Ahn


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