Limbic System, The Mind

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Mon Jan 12 21:30:51 EST 1998

Dan Sargeant <yku02003 at yorku.ca> wrote:

>Hi all,

>I am interested in answering:

>"In what ways does the limbic system interacts with the cerebellum."

There is a sort of underground book in Germany (but written in
English) about how parts of our brain make the mind.

There are theories in there about the cholinergic limbic system and
the basolateral part of the amygdala.
As far as rhythm goes there is also something in there about epileptic
Though this is likely not what you are looking for.

As it is an underground book it is written in a way that even people
who do not know much about the brain can understand it.

It can be ordered at:
"The Mind"
c/o Sbeiti
10827 Berlin

If it is within European countries  where the postage fee is not that
expensive  it is 20 DM or 10 English pound you have to send there
(some steal in the German post, if you do it, do it in a way one can't
notice from the outside that there is money in there);
but as from Germany to the USA the postage fee is very high (don't
know, $7-20?) I guess you either have to send the necessary money or
find some address within Europe or something like that.

I doubt this is your sort of thing, but thought I should mention it.

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