FS: cellular biology, neuroscience, organic chemistry, science books

Michael M. Reich mmreich at *nospam*tiac.net
Wed Jan 14 13:25:18 EST 1998

I have the following biology/chemistry/science books for sale. All are
in excellent condition and many have never been used. For orders of
$35 or more I will pay shipping.

Please email responses to mmreich at tiac.net.

Cellular Biophysics: vol 1. Transport
MIT Press, 692 pp.
List: $50
Sell: $25

Cellular Biophysics: vol 2. Electrical Properties
MIT Press, 557 pp.
List: $45
Sell: $23

Electronic Circuits and Applications, 1st. ed.
Senturia, Wedlock
Wiley, 623pp.
List: $76.5
Sell: $15

Experiments and Techniques in Organic Chemistry
Pasto, Johnson, Miller
Prentice Hall, 544pp.
List: $Out of print
Sell: $20

Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Structures
Jeffrey, Sanger
Springer Verlag, 569 pp.
List: $??
Sell: $15

Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis
McGraw Hill, 538 pp.
List: $Out of print
Sell: $25

Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Ralls, Courtney, Wulff
Wiley, 635pp.
List: $96.95
Sell: $30

Ion Channels
Aidley, Stanfield
Cambridge Press, 303 pp.
List: $30
Sell: $15

Microbiology, 3rd. ed.
Davis, Dulbecco, Eisen Ginsberg
Harper & Row, 1355pp.
List: $90
Sell: $35

Physiology of Excitable Cells, 3rd. ed.
Cambridge Press, 508 pp.
List: $47.95
Sell: $20

Visual Development
Plenum, 228pp.
List: $45
Sell: $23

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