New DNA Technologies

dna-diagnostics.com mmunzer at DNA-DIAGNOSTICS.COM
Tue Jan 13 11:22:44 EST 1998

Thank you all for your overwhelmingly positive response to our =
announcement of new DNA Diagnostic technologies. Due to the volume of =
inquiries, we have compiled a series of FAQ's, to respond to the =
majority of your questions. We have posted them on our CyGene web site =
along with several letters of opinion from professionals who have =
reviewed the TPA and RFTA patent documents. RFTA opinion letters will be =
posted on our AGENDA site shortly.

We will respond to all other inquiries as soon as possible.

Martin Munzer=20
AGENDA, Inc. http://www.dna-diagnostics.com
a.k.a. Advanced Genetic Diagnostic Associates=20
Confirming "Heirlines" Through State of the Art DNA Analysis

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