Symposium In vitro models for neuroprotective drug discovery

TJ tjae at geocities.com
Tue Jan 13 10:11:33 EST 1998

We are happy to announce the Symposium

     "In vitro models for neuroprotective drug discovery"

           5th Symposium on the BMBF-cooperative project
      "Cerebral ischemia, neurotoxicity and neuroprotection: 
  Neuronal cell cultures as a substitute for animal experiments"

         Magdeburg, Germany, February 24-25, 1998 

                           Conference venue
                      Hansa Hotel, Hansaplatz 2
                   Begin:  24 February 1998, 1 pm
                     End: 25 February 1998, 2 pm


Animal experiments are still a necessity in pharmaceutical research.
These experiments are difficult to perform, time consuming, costly and
stressful to the large number of animals involved. Suitable in vitro
methods can not only help to minimize animal and time consumption
but can also increase research efficacy. It is the aim of this symposium
to introduce in vitro models for different neuroscientific purposes to
experts from academy and pharmaceutical industry and to discuss their
ability to replace in vivo experiments. 

For further information see


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