New Neuroscience Study Sections at NIH

Russell A. Gazzara rgazzara at nctr.fda.gov
Fri Jan 9 10:26:52 EST 1998

To all neuroscientists:  FYI

The Center for Scientific Review (formerly the Division of Research
Grants) of NIH has posted the list of the new neuroscience study
sections on their web site:


The study sections have been groups into three Initial Review Groups
(IRGs):  (1) Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience; (2)
Integrative, Functional and Cognitive Neuroscience; and (3) Brain
Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience.

The site is quite extensive and includes a mission statement for each
of the IRGs as well as a detailed description of the review
responsibilities of each of the neuroscience study sections.

Anyone who submits neuroscience grant applications to NIH should check
out this site.

For those of you who don't know the history of the reorganization of
the neuroscience study sections, briefly, the return of NIDA, NIAAA,
and NIMH to the NIH has required the merging of the study sections of
these  former ADAMHA institutes with the study sections at NIH.  NIH
took this opportunity to reorganize the entire neuroscience study
section structure to more appropriately address current areas of
neuroscience research.  More information can be found at:



Russ Gazzara
rgazzara at nctr.fda.gov
rgazzara at aristotle.net

rgazzara at nctr.fda.gov
rgazzara at aristotle.net

Check out my web site at:


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