Update on Used Laboratory Equipment

Dr. Jim Campanella jjc3 at LEHIGH.EDU
Fri Jan 9 12:51:34 EST 1998

Dear PI's,

Over the last several days, I have received over 200 pieces of e-mail in
response to my request for an opinion on the usefulness of a used lab
site. I am pleased to report every person who responded is in favor of such a
site and would find it a valuable resource. In anticipation of what I had
hoped would be favorable opinions, I have completed the version 1.0 of the
lab equipment lab site. I have tried to incorporate various elements that
several people who e-mailed me mentioned. But, essentially, the site is
open for business any time that people start to post there. The address is:


Please inform me of any problems with the site. Although I encountered no
problems in my initials tests, remember the site is a first iteration and
may still have bugs.

happy hunting,

Jim Campanella

P.S. If you happened to miss my original e-mail note, it is reproduced at
the bottom of the page.

>>>Dear PI's,
>>>I am sure that many of you, besides myself, have faced a reduction
>>>in funding of late, as well as rising costs in lab equipment. I
>>>am curious whether anybody thinks that an idea I have has any merit.
>>>I am willing to set up a World Wide Web site as a clearing house for
>>>used lab equipment. I have often wondered whether other labs have old
>>>or outmoded equipment (like balances, pH meters, etc.) which they
>>>would be willing to part with at minimal prices. I have seen
>>>commercial Web sites where newer-- and more expensive-- used equipment
>>>is sold, but I have never seen a site which is nonprofit, run by
>>>biologists, and simply acts as "classified ads" where scientists can
>>>post their requests for equipment or advertisements to sell equipment.
>>>I am willing to put together such a Web site as a service to the
>>>biology community. The new site would charge no fees for posting
>>>and would be accessible to biologists from around the world.
>>>I am writing to several different biology mailing lists to
>>>get an idea of how much interest there would be in such a Web
>>>site-- or even to find out if such a site already exists and I
>>>simply do not know about it.
>>>I thank you all for your help.
>>>Dr. Jim Campanella
>>>Lehigh University
>>>Department of Biological Sciences
>>>Bethlehem, PA 18015
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>>From: jjc3 at lehigh.edu ("Dr. Jim Campanella")
>>Subject: Used Laboratory Equipment Update
>>Date: 8 Jan 1998 05:53:16 -0800
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