Help - Cerebral Hemorrhage

Daniel Ruofei Qiu ruofei.qiu.wg98 at wharton.upenn.edu
Wed Jan 7 18:05:36 EST 1998


This is a message asking for help on information on cures for palsy
caused by cerebral hemorrhage. 

My grandfather, now 76 and living in China, was struck by cerebral
hemorrhage in his left brain about 1 month ago and became since then
unspeakable and motor-disable on his right side. He's had a history of
high blood pressure and high cholesterol level for about 5 years.

The medication he is now on seems just able to maintain his current
situation, and is not helping at all in terms of curing the palsy. 

Therefore, I am posting this news in search of valuable medical and/or
therapeutical advices and recommendations you could offer me to help my
grandfather come back to a healthy life.

I really appreciate your taking time reading through this message and
will feel oblidged if you could provide me any advices.

Thanks a million.

Daniel Ruofei Qiu
MBA Candidate, Class 1998
The Wharton School, the University of Pennsylvania

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