Germany: 2 jobs in neuroscience

Howard Schultens howard at pippin.neuro-physiol.med.uni-goettingen.de
Mon Jan 5 05:00:40 EST 1998


                     *** Positions open ***
            Zentrum Physiologie und Pathophysiologie
             Abteilung Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie
                    Universitaet Goettingen
                      Goettingen, Germany


Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

(Wissenschaftliche Assistentenstelle, BAT IIa/Ib)

Molecular Modulation of Synaptic Processes

This position is an opportunity to take part in the local research program
"Synaptic Interaction in Neuronal Networks" (Sonderforschungsbereich 406:
"Syntaptische Interaktion in neuronalen Zellverbaenden").  It
is for one year and can be renewed up to 3 years, open for immediate hiring.

The research focuses on the functional characterization of  molecular
modulation of synaptic processes by intracellular factors and their
interaction in and between microdomains.  A range of modern techniques
from cellular electrophysiologie, microfluorimetry, laser flash photolysis,
histochemistry, and single-cell PCR will be used in in vitro analysis on brain
slices and cell cultures. The work is to be carried out in close collaboration
with internationally reputed groups in Goettingen working in the fields of
cellular and molecular biology.

Qualified candidates must have a PhD and some experience with techniques
of molecular cell biology.


Doctoral Candidate

(Doktorandinnen- / Doktorandenstelle)

Molecular Modulation of Synaptic Processes

In the local interdisciplinary group "Organization and Dynamics of Neuronal
Networks" (Graduiertenkolleg "Organisation und Dynamik neuronaler Netzwerke"),
we are offering a 3-year stipend for thesis work, available immediately.

Thesis work will be in the area of modulation of synaptic processes by
intracellular factors.  Modern methods and techniques of cellular
electrophysiology, microfluorimetry, laser flash photolysis, histochemistry,
and single-cell PCR can be used for this project. The interdisciplinary group
works in association with the local research program "Synaptic Interaction in
Neuronal Networks" (Sonderforschungsbereich 406: "Synaptische Interaktion in
neuronalen Zellverbänden") and offers a unique opportunity for
collaboration with internationally known research groups and a chance to gain
an excellent training in the areas of molecular and cell biology.

Applicants should have a clearly developed interest in these areas and
have a good knowledge of cell biology. A diploma equivalent to that
obtained on completing studies at a German university is required, in a
scientific subject such as biology or medicine.


Applicants should submit the usual documents (CV, 2 letters of reference,
educational certificates) to:

Professor Diethelm W. Richter
Department of Physiology
Humboldtallee 23
37073 Göttingen

Tel: +49 551 39-5912
Fax: +49 551 39-6031
eMail: dwr at neuro-physiol.med.uni-goettingen.de


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