$7,500.00 Mac-based "3-D BrainStation" Brain Imaging Analysis System

Yoroya yoroya at aol.com
Thu Jan 1 21:18:25 EST 1998

Dear biomedical researcher/clinical diagnostician:

     "3-D BrainStation" is a $7,500.00 Macintosh-based brain imaging analysis
package that can analyze anatomical images from CT or MRI scans or metabolic
images from PET or SPECT scans.  It is capable of 3-D volume reconstruction and
display, multi-volume registration, ROI creation and data analysis, cortical
surface pattern mapping, and multi-modal image fusion of anatomical and
metabolic images thereby acting as a powerful research or diagnostic tool for
the neuroscientist or clinician.  This image analysis system is among the most
powerful and versatile ones on the market today and only intended for the
serious biomedical researcher and clinical diagnostician willing to make an
investment in the best that money can buy.  Don't be fooled by cheap
imitations.  Nothing out there can match the quality and versatility of "3-D
BrainStation".  If you can find a Mac-based brain imaging analysis system that
can do as much as "3-D BrainStation" for less money, please let me know.  I
would like to research and compare its capabilities to ours.  Visit our website
and ask for more information, or contact me directly.


Robert L. Hummel	   	Tel: 410-876-8055
Sales & Marketing	   	E-mail: loats at loats.com
Loats Associates, Inc.	URL: http://www.loats.com

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