Spreadsheet invention

Dan Pedersen profunda at pip.dknet.dk
Thu Jan 1 19:10:46 EST 1998

Dear Scientist,

My partner Henrik Kjaer and I have developed a new spreadsheet in which
- from the top-level you can copy/paste/fill  text/values/formulas 
from/into the layers.
>From interviews with scientists in biology/chemical/economical/math
areas we learned that the new flexibility is an advantage when working
with layers of data in these branches.
To further discuss and develop the invention we need input from the
users working in your areas. Therefore we should be glad if those
interested would go to http://isa.dknet.dk/~profunda to view our
invention and give us your opinion. 
There is a demo of the first version too - that Mac-users can download
for free (soon also Windows), and you can register to receive info in
future too.
Thanks in advance - and have a nice day,

Dan Pedersen

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