What's wrong with me? Neuroproblems

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Apr 30 00:41:21 EST 1998

stevelicia at earthlink.net (Steve Paskay) wrote:

> I have a good friend (female, about age 50) who is having some kind of
>> neurological problem. Since last Thursday (April 23rd) whenever she laughs
>> outloud she falls apart, has trouble breathing and almost faints. Also
>> when she coughs, she gets weak in the knees. Also, one side of her face is
>> very sensative to touch and heat. She's never had this problem before.
>> She's been in the hospital since Monday, MRI, spinal tap etc. Everything
>> comes up negative. The doctors cant figure out what's wrong with her.
>> Within the last year she's traveled to China and India, but she travelled
>> first class so,I doubt, she roughed it in any way.

The "first class" does not protect you from illnesses.
If it was me having the problem I'd try to ask people in the net and
privately in/from India and China to find out if they know about an
illness like that there and what can be done against it.
Maybe she should have the lungs and the blood checked as well.

I do not know it in science language, but imagine sorts of tiny worms,
weird virusses and other tiny stuff that can infest parts of your
system and merrily multiply in there.

Watch if what she has is regular-steady, regular-increasing or coming
in phases with certain distances.
And how long after she' been in Asia till getting it the first time.
And how it developed.

If it goes to serious it might help to go to the same places again or
better to send a good friend, and (maybe paying translators) ask the
local healers if they know what that is and what can be done against
it. And then to compare suggestions of different ones and chose the
most effective sounding method or the ones where the locals say that
it works real well.

Well, anyway, that'd be my ideas if it was myself.

Though it could of course be a neurological problem.

I can't percceive back there, though maybe this is total nonsens, but
I thought laughing was another area than breathing and coughing, and
not much to do with each other, nor one side of the face.

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