flefever at ix.netcom.com(F. Frank LeFever) wrote:
>Why not rename the group "bionet.nuttyscience"?
Would fit you, but "narrow-minded (&) torturers of mammals" might be
cool, too.
>There appear to be people drawn to the prestige
The prestige to limit oneself to 5 senses, ignore even them, disregard
an elephant standing on your foot because you have not proven yet that
it is there, disregard the results of the peoples of Earth of
thousands of years of research into the mind (basically from the time
on humans are far enough to wonder about it and transfer data, to be
unable to understand anything to do with magic - not even the stuff
the rather uneducated not practicing ones of some other peoples might
understand, to win data at the costs of others, often including most
brutal torture up to killing, to declare results as new that are
thousands of years old, ...
Yes, quite some prestige indeed ...
>of "neuroscience" like moths to a flame.
All seriously interested in the mind tend to keep lose track of all
into the mind in range.
Though a lot is daft babbling and totally wrong theorizing, some
stuff, f.e. some of the tumor stuff of neurology is brilliant.
"...to a flame" might be for some others like you.
My flame equivalent f.e. is if you run absolutely dangerous self
experiments and blunder it to quite some extent cause damages, and
then look at the damages and guess that maybe next run you manage
better and as soon as the systems recovered enough straight are at it
again... I'd say for me the greatest "flames" ever are magic and
back then, when I could still do it, brain surfing. Today closely
followed by nagging someone who can get weird energy stages in his
brain via meditation to allow me to link in while he is doing it and
to "watch" that way, not just concerning within, but also outer
energies that else I could never perceive. That is fascinating so far
no end. With dreamers it is not as intersting to watch outside, but
the differences of the brain energies and how they change are
fascinating me.
>They are fascinated by it and feel a need to pontificate about it without
> the slightest sense that they are unqualified to say the most elementary
> things about it
Ah, I am sure that YOU can judge exactly who is "qualified" to say
what, headblind and sensecrippled Westie, ...
Last I heard you folks had just discovered about fields in the brain
and still had not gotten much about what they are good for... lol.
And still did not even know where yourself is in the brain. Megalol.
Inventing all sorts of posh names for "I do not understand the brain".
>--well, no,
>perhaps I should say they do have a faint sense of this, hence their
>love/hate relationship to it.
What sort of sense?
Do you mean the faint sense of courtesy to those of other branches
that you might try to use their vocabulary, so that you use
"pre-clear" and "aberration" when with certain folks, and "halo" and
"aura" when with others, or third eye / forehead chakra or exit point
/ star chakra, astral traveling, spirits, first to third emotion
generator domino chain, also running alterations in fifth...,
back-echo docking, hellsehen, infrared, x-ray, second face,
transcend, "double", seventh sense, occipital cortex programming,
akasha, ... ? I guess even if one does not understand all very well
it is a sign of courtesy to others that you try to adapt to the terms
and (mis)concepts of other branches to an extent, the same as you
might try to adapt to the language of others.
So if someone writes in a language that I know I might try to keep the
answer as far as possible to his language; even if that is often very
And if I can't think of the right term then pick one of which I
suspect that me might still get it or try to find other terms that
describe what I mean.
I guess if one could just talk the vocabulary of one language or
branch that would be a sign for high narrow-mindedness.
The same as I would not expect anyone to know all the terms of my
language or branch, I find it amazing if someone idicates that others
are not qualified though he understands nothing or nearly nothing
about the areas of the mind they have to do with, does not understand
the vocabulary they use and so on...
Therefore does not even have a way to know to what extent his and the
other branch are running parallel and where one or the other is ways
And the love/hate thing I do not get at all.
There are dozens of branches into the mind that I know some members of
and far more that I heard of in a vague way, and though I might not
agree with a lot of the theories / believes of a branch and might be
real upset if others are hurt against their will or are deprived of
freedom, I would not consider the relation to/between most branches as
love/hate nor do most of the open-minded people I know regard other
branches so.
Most I meet convey the impression that one is sort of distant
collegues, and a certain curiosity about the data of the other
branches. So one might be chatting with words about areas of the
brain, access codes, reprogrammings and (dis)advantages of certain
settings, mental healing, theories about wavefield interpretations
differences & schizophrenia, MCD alterations, the sequencer-CPU's (or
what you call thalamus & striata &...) capacity differences in who you
call autists and about how some use areas of the brain for weird
stuff, news from other branches, culture alterations of programs and
different baby brain-connection programmings of different cultures,
etc. and silently one might be exchanging data about other frequencies
and show each other weird ones and what one can do with them, or ask
the other to send and close eyes to observe the different wavefields
that makes in the areas and the transitions when the other changes
what he sends, or merge "headfields" very far or look at energy
structures of beings or things together, ...
Often it is just swapping data and theories for hours and in between
talking about cultures, politics, nature, ... or joking or making
music and enjoying life...
I do not understand where your love and hate bit comes in there.
Neither for myself nor for most others of the other branches I know.
Maybe that is your thinking about the other branches,
that you reflect on others.
Most open-minded branches would not regard other branches as that.
For many the branches into the mind are all of one tree, the mind.
And the ones who are not daft are aware that for one person to learn
the entire data of Earth about the mind is currently impossible. So
that one of the fastest ways to not stay back too far
while the branches swap data wildly accross the planet in the
computer airplane tourist age, joining the data of thousands of years
of research of the cultures of Earth, is to try to find folks who are
fairly far in some areas and ask them to tell or brain-transfer data
as far as they are willing to, or find books of folks who summon up
without too much babbling what the results of a branch or person are.
(I must say so far for me thee record holders of fascianting data were
a European neo-shaman and two American brainsurfers...)
Your love - hate complexes are for those who are that way towards
themselves and others whom they do not know,
and who judge by what someone told them is wrong/right, not by what
> They feel the need to act as if they belong to the neuroscience
Who do you mean?
And what community? Quite some of them are researching stuff and want
money or fame, and until they are finished and have the data out and
the money or maybe the fame in they are likely to be of as much
cummunity concerning the acccording data to you as a deaf-mute hermit.
Or do you mean this community feeling
of talking without formalities, deeply shared privacy, being able to
behave silly without regards to impressions, sharing brainfields,
making music together, all sharing food, discussing Earth, being
outside in nice weather and tuning to nature...
>and are infuriated by the rejection and criticism their comments elicit.
Who is not appreciating criticism, where exactly what is wrong and
why it is wrong is listed?
> They can not endure what they perceive to be the menial role of listening and learning (having no concept of study and
>scholarship), so cannot keep silent.
I must say you have weird malish thinking patterns
and a weird idea about learning, but I guess in your branch that might
be custom so.
In my branch a lot is exchange, questions, discussions and practicing
Maybe the first 1-4 times you might sort of overtake areas of the
learner's brain to transfer energy perception data or/and tell him to
focus in certain ways on certain stuff and teach him about the brain,
but latest point after that there'd be exchange level, and on many
other areas anyway, as all have their experiences in life that was
different from the own...
>However, they would not care to have their names associated with
I guess a lot would consider the term
"science" so spoiled by what is made of it by Western branches, that
they would be likely more offended by the end of your word than the
Western science has a reputation among many branches of being of
sense-crippled arrogant system idiots lagging literally ages behind
the data of many of the other branches into the mind.
And whom you can tell "this is the frontal cortex, this is the limbic
system,..." and who just go "ma-a-a-a, great shephard professor of
sheep, it is."
You can tell them that light and heat are seperated things, that
energy and matter are seperated that magnetism and electricity are two
totally different things, that humans are ever so different from other
animals, that other animals can't think and do not have conscious
areas and many mammals parallel or similar emotions, that they need
machines to perceive bones or brainwaves, that there are three worlds
and their's is the best,... and a big bunch of them are likely to
believe it.
And if after thousands of years of research of extending the
wavefields of the brain over hundreds of kilometers, they finally
discover: "There are fields in the brain that also transmit data!"
And then they are ever so delighted that THEY found out that
incredible result and wonder forever what it means, instead of going
to some of the branches that have been researching the fields and what
you can do with them for thousands of years and ask them to date them
And then come even questions like why there is sort of a fine tuning
of sectors, as if even in this age, long after the centuries of witch
burnings and European data destruction, they had still not gotten that
you can tune to thousands of other energy stages with areas of the
The Westies gave the term "scientists" the reputation to be daft,
world-blind I-am-the-first!-worlders who go far enough to state that
the thought of something being faster than light is NEW and not known
for thousands of years and that basically hell of a lot of data that
has been known for a loooong time by other peoples was just discovered
by them. Pretending that they were the first and not one of the last
to finally get it, too, and always trying to blend over the fact that
for 500 years people were killed and most of the knowledge about the
minds was killed, and that basically they are not thousands of years,
but just about 200 years (if that much) back into fairly free research
and the field of the mind.
And therefore compared to many branches of the non-Christian-destroyed
peoples one of the very, very young branches of Earth into the mind,
apart from ultra modern ones of the last years or decades (who at
least often realize that they are backwardish in some areas several
thousand years and try to catch up with Earth).
>It is all one world. For you it are several, that is why you are
>so many years behind many of the others and have zero interest in
>some of the greatest data of Earth about the human mind becoming available
>through easier travelling...
>>>>>> This kind of discussion reminds me again about the need to make
>>> bionet.neuroscience moderated, and start an alt.neuroscience.popular.
Needing your censorshippie to protect you from other opinions...
Could be the narrow-minded spot something they cannot handle...
F.e. thousands of branches some of which data back to the dawn of
human time, researching the human mind, ... and the own branch not
exactly being far in a lot of areas...,
but rather torturing others than travelling to the world wide famous
branches to learn...
Knowing exactly that the human mind is not centered in the frontal
cortex and where in the brain it is, but refusing to look at the own
data, as then one would lose the ones to torture, and as the results
would make the own deeds a crime.
And therefore rather coming up with all sort of crap.
...Oh, someone just furthered that the frontal cortex "can think" by
itself with that the motor cortex had intent.
But maybe with some of YOU folks it has intent...
I am sure your thalamus will be delighted about that...
Actually from a brain-and frequency surfing perspective your theories
are hilarious to the extreme at times.
It's fun to watch how you slowly sometimes get some stuff and a lot
still not that has been known for a long time
At least you finally managed to get the bitsy with the fields and the
Maybe within the next years you will manage to find some picture of a
few months old emryo and look at the neocortex and notice something
about it....
And maybe some year you will even understand magic a bit and then hop
up and down exitedly if you finally realize, too, that one can extend
the fields at will and change stuff in other brains that way and
transfer data that way and also heal some stuff in the other brain and
body that is wrong, and that likely will be one of THE big discoveries
of the West (of course) ... hehe
And then the stuff below some headline probably will say something
"Western neurology figured out how telepathy works! Fields in the
brain have certain specific energy levels and when you extend the
fields they can be read in the other brain by oscillating cell walls
of the same type of cells like the sending cells. As the different
cells make different fields, many fields can be transferred at once,
as only the according matching cells in the other brain will read
them. Fields can be used for data-transfer, so that the person
extending them can also perceive things via them, similar to someone
connecting two areas with a wire.
So data can be transferred that way from brain to brain, sector to
...Not just the alpha, delta, theta ... waves but also finer tunings
to certain energies allow the perception of many thousands of fields
when trained.
...Discovery of the century!"
... You know, now you think it's nuts, but wait some decades, and I
would not exclude to read something not unlike that about stuff that
(apart from single cell level) has been known for (literally) ages by
nearly all but you.
...But go on ignoring it, that is the trade sign of the Westie
government's branches.
(By the way, some in the CIA are said to know very well, too, but
there is just stuff that the sheep should better not know, as the
thought is not liked that people understand that with training you can
extend brainwaves that are not unlike T.V. waves, being able to go
through walls & for MANY kilometers...)
How about you go back to researching your oscillating cell walls a bit
more, and someday maybe even wonder about the function of the glia
before there was myelin around the axons, and in many decades even
maybe get the thought that there might be according bio-programs from
that time still running, and in some more decades or centuries maybe
even understanding some more about the cholinergic areas of the limbic
system and the front areas of the cingulate gyrus...
And now I tell you a fairy-tale about "nutty science":
Once upon a time there was someone who figured out how to dock into
the subprograms of emotion sectors and looked at the connections and
understood hell of a lot that way about why people went nuts and how
to reprogram the stuff in them so that they were fairly fast fairly
O.K. again, about religions and cultures and ewhat they changed in
those programs and so on. And then he met some others with knowledge
about emotion sectors and they made the "nutty science" researching in
the subprograms of the emotions sectors why humans went nuts and how
to heal them.
And if they are not dead, they are still doing so.
You are just not understanding the beauty of the science
about why nuts are nuts
and how to make them more nuts
or heal them
shortly called "nuttyscience".
"Fairly-tales" about nuttyscience are nice...
Here is another one:
Have you ever watched a nuts squirrel digging in a nuts way in the
ground seeking a nut that you hold in your hand? Making it a
nuttyscience of the digging techniques with many complicated words and
being upset that you do not understand squirrel NUTS digging language
well. Nor dig in the same way, maybe abusing others in the process.
And therefore should be censored out with your opinions about how to
best find the nut that enough nuts' diggings in the ground should
eventually find?
You know with three nuts one can go juggling, throwing two from the
right to the left and the third one forwards and backwards, so that it
sort of makes a cross-shape like the one for some folks that are no
longer alive on the huge world.
("It's alive, Jim."
"Beam me to Wadly, Scotty, there is little intelligent life in this
If there weren't any sadists in the place who'd next grab some cat or
monkey or another and torture, cripple and kill,
one could even get tempted to tell you at the least some of the basics
of relations between systems and what they are good for, so that one
could have some interesting conversations with you folks once you get
it and a lot of other basic data from many others
(Megalomania is cool... ;-)
You might be right that the neurological qualifications are lacking in
me to follow the great neruological debates f.e. about the motor
cortex, and why there is an emotional response before you might
understand, and what and where consciousness is and what some those
different fields in the brain are doing and are good for, and what
memory functions the hippocampus and other areas have and what the
cholinergic limbic system is good for, and about emotions, and the
role of the thalamus, etc. ...
I guess one should leave you folks a bit more alone to have the wished
nicely censored atmosphere when wondering about questions like the
mentioned ones and many others and making real impressive theories
about such stuff...