cijadra at wrote:
> >Re the above: I dare not say that I could "evaluate" your
> >hypothesis. However, may I suggest that our psychology, though in many
> >ways dependent on interneuronal interactions, is a function mainly of
> >one's memory input and conscious selection of what are desirable traits
> >to us.
> Nonsense.
> If you think loneliness, rank emotion and the like are memory inputs
> or consious selections of desirable traits then you do not understand
> the human mind much.
>> >Myelination itself is merely an anatomical event to make our neural network more
> >efficient, having nothing to do with our memory content and therefore
> >what personality we have.
> Let me guess, we'd have the same personality if the singals would
> spread and be received the way they would without myelin...
>> > Of course, as said, the basic neuronal properties do to a large extent determine some of our basic personality
> >traits which are physilogical, not psychological in nature, e.g.
> >explosive personality, i.e. temperaments, sex drives, etc.
> > But outside of these basic physiological traits, our personality
> >traits depend almost entirely on learning(memory input) and "freedom of
> >choice" to design our own personality traits. And, as we all know,
> >lots of our "instincts" can be wilfully modified, particularly since
> >young, to within socially acceptable limits.
> >>> You understand little about the mind.
>> You do not discern emotions according to sectors, hormones, etc., yuo
> seem unaware of genetic and pregnancy influence and educational
> influence, yoiu are unaware of brain wave influence, with instincts
> with a lot of them I doubt that yu even understand them well nor
> understand what modifying some of them can have for negative effects,
> etc.
Re the above, let me say that instead of being so arrogant,--as if none
knows anything about what you know to be common knowledge out there,
you ought to know that this is just an internet news release, not a
forum for me to tell you everything about the mind. You don't think I
don't know these "physiological, pharmacological, emotional, biological
. . ." effects, origins and consequences of ¢ø¢í¢ú¢û¢÷¢ö¢é¢ô¢ñ¢ü£B.
So, please confine yourself to discussing what has been mentioned, and
not attack others for not dealing with issues not being discussed.
Besides, if you read my release properly, you ought to have noticed
two components of personality : one through learning, and the other,
by nature, the very components, such as pregnancy which you
mentioned. So, before you attack others as "not knowing much about
the mind," consider these aforementioned factors first!