Signals in the brain

Dirk Wessels d at worldaccess.nl
Thu Apr 30 14:29:59 EST 1998

Kalman Rubinson wrote:

> nospam!stenberg at cc.helsinki.nospam.fi wrote:
> > This kind of discussion reminds me again about the need to make
> > bionet.neuroscience moderated, and start an
> alt.neuroscience.popular.
> Agreed.  Necessary.
> Kal

Was my posting too big?

I was just hoping for some actual data. Data that has
not been selected to confirm the theoretical predictions.
Besides that I have interesting questions for simulating
neural networks as well.

I think that if many different disciplines get together we
will find a solution that fits the actual data, but if
we "save" a discipline from interferance from others
there will be no advancements, just affirmations.


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