>** I just came in, I'm alien like most creatures on this planet.
>The policy to kill everything that doesn't look and think like yourself is
>strictly 'human'. The aliens have no reason to kill us, other than
>frustration - I, mean, they made us in the first place, and have seen their
>experiment turn into cancer through thousands of years. It would be quite
>understandable if they couldn't resist an urge to end the disaster, but as
>suggested above: if that was their plan, they could and probably would have
>done so already.
>They made us? Yes, that's where the DNA mix comes in. Why shouldn't the
>aliens be able to make their DNA mix with that of early Man, trying to
>create a race intelligent enough to boost evolution and gain x million
>years? The experiment as such succeeded only too well, as the remarkable
>mental achievements of the inhabitants of this planet shows.
>Unfortunately, the brain developed too fast, so Man's moral status, needed
>to control the 'brainstorm', had no chance to keep up. A slow, natural
>development would have let mind and 'heart' adjust to each other, in which
>case we might still be pondering whether or not to taste that notorious
>forbidden fruit...
Besides, the
>criteria clean, quick and cheap in connection with the elimination of
>people, was exactly what Hitler wanted...
>Want to argue?
I don't really want to argue but if you think we were created by
aliens unlike ourselves then you are mentally and spiritually
challenged to say the least. Besides the fact that the theory of
evolution is a load of crap, and so are alien abductions, if the
created us the they put the DNA in us that they wanted there in the
first place not in the early man but in the bacteria that crawled out
of the ocean. Anyways, alien abductions are the stupidest things I
have ever heard of . Keep it in the movies and get a life. If you
don't know about God then I can understand your misinformation and
misguided theories. I hope you find God soon. Good luck!!
BTW God created us all. The only other beings out there are other
humans on other planets like this one.