A bit of fun with no aliens in sight

Richard Hall rhall at uvi.edu
Thu Apr 30 15:28:03 EST 1998

It is the end of my semester, the exams are graded, and for your amusement:

>>At 9:12 PM -0500 4/29/98, Laurel wrote:
>>It has been an interesting year around here.  Lots of politics.

>On Thursday 4/30/98 rlh replies:

>Hi Laurel,
>We too have politics, multiple levels of competence, and degrees of
>chaos...it balances quite nicely.
>But in St. Thomas it is Carnival Month...MONTH!
>Today is J'ouvert, an early, early morning bacchanal loosely disquised as
>a six hour stroll en mass for "adults only."  Apparently, from the music,
>these are mostly deaf adults who mysteriously disappear at the end
>staggering, wandering off parched and glazed.  J'ouvert is prelude to a
>wonderful Calypso Fest tonight and to the orgiastic finale of Carnival on
>Saturday.  Presumably the one day of recovery is sufficient and allows
>intervening time for the Childrens Parade-a sort of cultural training
>program-on Friday morning.

>The beginning of the end of the last day starts with a huge, colorful
>Adult's Parade in which at least 25% of the island participates. (Or
>possibly, it is an endless loop with a thousand sweaty survivors swapping
>feathered, tasseled, bedazzalingly extraordinary costumes to keep the
>momentum of a now gasping celibration through midday.)  The last day ends
>with a nightime extravaganza of fireworks, "Thunder over Charlotte
>Amalie", which last year burned much of Hassel Island to cinders.  The
>"good" news, for us downwind, was the leeward slope was a "cultivar" of
>aromatics and grasses.  One major debate was certainly: Put the fire out
>or let nature take her course?   Local reasoning goes...why work to save
>something the authorities or developers will just have to destroy later?
>We are talking tax dollars here.  My pungent recollections of the
>following Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday haze and blur.  Yeh, I
>missed Wednesday too.
>This year the authorities are putting fire trucks on a government
>barge...Are we thinking alike on this?    I will be there to experience
>the inevitable Titanic ending.  Film at 11.
>Incidently,  "The view is always better living on the edge."

Richard Hall
Comparative Animal Physiologist
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI  00802

rhall at uvi.edu

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