It is the end of my semester, the exams are graded, and for your amusement:
>>At 9:12 PM -0500 4/29/98, Laurel wrote:
>>It has been an interesting year around here. Lots of politics.
>On Thursday 4/30/98 rlh replies:
>Hi Laurel,
>>We too have politics, multiple levels of competence, and degrees of
> balances quite nicely.
>>But in St. Thomas it is Carnival Month...MONTH!
>>Today is J'ouvert, an early, early morning bacchanal loosely disquised as
>a six hour stroll en mass for "adults only." Apparently, from the music,
>these are mostly deaf adults who mysteriously disappear at the end
>staggering, wandering off parched and glazed. J'ouvert is prelude to a
>wonderful Calypso Fest tonight and to the orgiastic finale of Carnival on
>Saturday. Presumably the one day of recovery is sufficient and allows
>intervening time for the Childrens Parade-a sort of cultural training
>program-on Friday morning.
>The beginning of the end of the last day starts with a huge, colorful
>Adult's Parade in which at least 25% of the island participates. (Or
>possibly, it is an endless loop with a thousand sweaty survivors swapping
>feathered, tasseled, bedazzalingly extraordinary costumes to keep the
>momentum of a now gasping celibration through midday.) The last day ends
>with a nightime extravaganza of fireworks, "Thunder over Charlotte
>Amalie", which last year burned much of Hassel Island to cinders. The
>"good" news, for us downwind, was the leeward slope was a "cultivar" of
>aromatics and grasses. One major debate was certainly: Put the fire out
>or let nature take her course? Local reasoning goes...why work to save
>something the authorities or developers will just have to destroy later?
>We are talking tax dollars here. My pungent recollections of the
>following Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday haze and blur. Yeh, I
>missed Wednesday too.
>>This year the authorities are putting fire trucks on a government
>barge...Are we thinking alike on this? I will be there to experience
>the inevitable Titanic ending. Film at 11.
>>Incidently, "The view is always better living on the edge."
Richard Hall
Comparative Animal Physiologist
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI 00802
rhall at