Hello Everyone,
A reminder that the registration, accommodation, and abstract submission
deadline is approaching for the 12th Biennial Meeting of the
Society for Developmental Neuroscience (ISDN) to be held August 10-15,
in Vancouver at UBC. This is the first time this international
is being held in Canada and a good turnout by UBC Neuroscientists would
appropriate to indicate to the neuroscience community the diversity of
UBC's activities.
All meeting information, registration, accommodation and abstract
submissions are provided exclusively by the ISDN '98 website
(http://cord.ubc.ca/isdn/). Book mark this site, better still register
- it will only take you 5 minutes (you can always send a cheque later if
you do not want to use a credit card).
Please pass on this announcement to others you know will be interested.
John Steeves
ISDN '98 Conference Chair