"Abductions" DO NOT exist :scientists should fight this crap,like Carl Sagan did

Love Lies Squealing Love at [nospam]corrode.demon.co.uk
Wed Apr 29 12:26:35 EST 1998

On Thu, 23 Apr 1998 16:23:17 GMT, twitchb at worldnet.att.net wrote: 

>Love@[nospam]corrode.demon.co.uk (Love Lies Squealing)
>>On 21 Apr 1998 17:20:39 GMT, "Tom Ray" <Tomeleven at aol.com> wrote: 
>>>Perhaps it is THIS orginization's "Alien" model that is being
>>>reported--This would explain the uniformity of imagery and alien
>>>descriptions repored---
>>Too young to remember 'Communion'?
>What do soggy wafers and cheap wine have to do with aliens?

They're frequently seen after copacious consumption of the above?

L O V E   L I E S   S Q U E A L I N G

Oh children don't you weep and moan, 
Children save your breath, You'll 
draw a pretty pension, when your daddy
meets his death. - Trad. Ballad.

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