"Abductions" DO NOT exist :scientists should fight this crap,like Carl Sagan did

Love Lies Squealing Love at [nospam]corrode.demon.co.uk
Wed Apr 29 12:26:37 EST 1998

On 23 Apr 1998 19:22:25 GMT, "Tom Ray" <Tomeleven at aol.com> wrote: 

>The "Communion model" along with the "close encounters" model were based
>upon reports by alleged "abductees" BEFORE the book or the movie came out.

Jaques Vallee was the advisor on CE3K, and based the aliens on a couple of
encounters that he liked.  The Communion alien cover was produced based on
CE3K, and not the contents of the novel.

I'm not playing with the timeline, and referring to the third person is
slightly more rude that calling me names.

L O V E   L I E S   S Q U E A L I N G

Oh children don't you weep and moan, 
Children save your breath, You'll 
draw a pretty pension, when your daddy
meets his death. - Trad. Ballad.

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