Scientific Misconduct, Thomas Jefferson University, and Roger J. Pomerantz

pfear at lycosmail.com pfear at lycosmail.com
Wed Apr 29 14:06:17 EST 1998

To all in the scientific community,

                        I awoke this morning to find a rather disturbing
article in the Philadelphia Inquirer, the major newspaper of Philly.  Today
they reported some possible misconduct by Roger J. Pomerantz and his associate
Dr. Duan.  They have been very popular here in the area for some new treatment
for HIV they have been developing.  It seems that their new treatment was fake
and would have hurt patients who recieved the treatment.  My impression of the
news article is that they were trying to fool the scientific community and
take advantage of AIDS patients.  Jefferson has been covering this up, and
protecting this man.  I don't understand why?  This is horrible.   They should
all be ashamed of themselves.  I am interested to see further reports on this,
and I would like to bring this to the attention of scientists everywhere.  I
find use of government grants for personal gain deplorable, and faked science
even more horrible.  These men should not be allowed to continue in research.
 Dr. Bagasra seems like the only honest man in the article, and he is being
removed from the university.  I don't understand it.  Please read the article
and decide for yourselves.  It is on the web at:

                                    Science should be about fact, not money !

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