Post Doctoral fellowship in Neurophysiology
A post Doctoral position in mammalian neurophysiology is available
immediately at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. The
research involves work on cortical organization and dynamics, using optical
imaging, electrophysiology, and computer simulations and analysis. We
prefer people with prior experience in (quantitative) neurophysiology who
are computer literate.
Our group includes: Ehud Kaplan, Larry Sirovich, Bruce Knight and others.
You can get an idea about our research interests at:
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine is an equal opportunity employer.
Please send your CV and names of 3 references (with a phone number or email)
Dr. Ehud Kaplan,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Box 1183
One Gustave Levy Place,
NY, NY, 10029
Phone: (212) 241-9607
Fax: (212) 289-5945
The best mode of communication is by email:
kaplane at