data re Signals in the brain

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Mon Apr 27 21:13:04 EST 1998

You will DEFINITELY need to travel to a medical/scientific library to
get the data you are looking for.

Rudolfo Llinas (New York University Medical School) has written
extensively on 40Hz rhythms as binding disparate events (and presented
relevant data)--as has others.

Calcium waves were displayed in visible form on computer or video
screens by several researchers at a poster session at the Society for
Neuroscience meeting in 1996 (probably 1997 also, but I missed it).

Etc., etc.

HOWEVER, howsoever ingenious your ideas may be and howsoever
sophisticated you may be re math and physics of wave activity in the
general sense, it sounds like you are quite naive and un-schooled re
the basics of neurophysiology; so again, I recommend reading a basic
text EARLY in your quest.  Another respondent had a good suggestion re
using web to identify titles, publishers, etc.--as well as consulting a
librarian or visiting a university book store (probably could get used
texts very cheap).


In <35449C0D.117F6451 at wxs.nl> Dirk Wessels <d at wxs.nl> writes: 
>Richard Hall wrote:
>> Out of that context, data means nothing.  Absolutely nothing.
>Thank you for reminding me.
>The reason that I am looking for data is that I have slightly
>about the organisation of neural networks.
>This organisation seems to use some kind of waves and synchronisations
> in which emotions seem most important.
>The underlying physics is the data that I am after.
>Some of the many questions that I have:
>1) Are these neuron connected to amplify wave properties and how.
>2) is a chemical process going on that has wave properties.
>3) What sychronises or influences the timing of these waves and other
>4) Are any quantum-level processes involved to help in timing or
>5) How can we simulate these neural networks more exactly, especially
>the learning process.
>6) Why are emotions and waves important at all.
>While this stuff is very close related to much to be discussed about
>I prefer to look at the actual details.
>    Dirk

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