MutantMan wrote:
>> then how do i explain the 1990 abduction of my cat which was taken from me
> by a ufo from my own backyard and was never to be seen again
The Mysterious Half Cats
by Bill Oliver, March 1998
On a beautiful warm Okanagan night,
or in this case early morning, in
June 1995, a Kelowna woman was in her
kitchen. On looking out the window
into the orchard she saw two
brilliant lit cigar shaped objects
moving slowly over the apple trees,
at about thirty or forty feet of
height. "They were a beautiful yellow
colour" the woman said and as bright
as they were she said she had no
problem looking at them and they did
not affect her sight. As they scoured
the area the objects bathed the
orchard in blue light and in the
woman's words "seemed to be looking
for something". The craft then began
to slowly move from the back of the
orchard and headed in the direction
of the house. They now stopped
directly next to the house over a garage addition and shone down
white beams of light. Even stranger, the witness described the
lights as broken up, "like a white line down the highway".
It is here where high strangeness enters the picture. The woman
said that in retrospect a thought that passed through her mind
during the sightings was her concern for the cats.
Neighbourhood cats would often congregate in the garage and this
was now where the lights were "searching". The objects then
"turned off" and left. The next day over a dozen cats in this
area of Kelowna were missing and were never seen again.
Last fall our hotline received a call from a fellow in Burnaby
who said that he witnessed, along with his brother, a dark
shadowy figure run in front of them as they stood in the driveway
of their home one rainy night. More disturbing, all three of his
cats were gone. Oddly enough, the man said he witnessed the same
dark figure as a young boy not far from the area. At that time
the shadowy-shape ran into a bush.
The Kamloops area of BC was also privy to a rash of half cat
mutilations as well, with a dozen or so cats mysteriously cut up.
Same show, no blood, no muss, no apparent fuss and again, never a
sign of struggle, no fur strewn about and no spilled blood.
Someone is doing something with our cats. Since the early
nineties UFO*BC has been aware of the "Half Cat" mystery on the
Lower Mainland. At this time the mutilated cats first showed up
in Vancouver's West Side. In these instances cats had been sliced
in half with great precision and then somehow drained of their
blood (exsanguination). Never a drop to be found, with no stains
at all on the remaining feline carcass (in these cases, half
In the Surrey area last fall half cats started showing up again.
I talked to two woman who were unfortunately "victims of the
circumstance". Living about three or four miles apart, both woman
found their own cats' remains. In the first case one of the woman
was off to do some banking, oddly enough she said that morning
she took the long way to the bank, and to her shock found her
dead cat. It was placed to appear to be coming out of a manhole
cover in the middle of the road. The woman pulled over and saw
that it was her own cat cut in half. Like other cases the other
half was nowhere to be found . As is the way, the culprit seemed
to want his work to be noticed. The other unfortunate young woman
found her cat in the alley behind her house. Devoid of all blood,
showing no signs of struggle and once again cut in half.
Perfectly! The SPCA is sticking to their guns that these are
coyote attacks. Out of ignorance or in order to quell any panic,
I don't know but that's their story and they're sticking to it!
It was with great surprise when I fell upon a similar story of
half cats in upstate New York in a town called Lee which is close
to the Hudson Valley. However, the "coupe de grace" came when I
was thumbing through an old Fate Magazine recently and discovered
that the Half Cats have also surfaced in Gulf Breeze(Florida),
Plano(Texas), Fall's Church(Virginia) and St Louis(Missouri). In
Fall's Church twenty cases were reported alone, with slightly
less than that number showing up in St Louis.
It is interesting to note that like the Kelowna cases, UFO
activity has been reported consistently in some of the areas
where the cat mutes take place. In particular, upstate New York
and Gulf Breeze have reached almost legendary status. I can also
report that Kamloops and Surrey BC have an inordinate amount of
UFO reports. Something tells me that with a bit of research you
could probably find a report of UFOs being seen in Fall's Church
as well. A coincidence? Maybe. A connection? I can't rule it out.
Can you?
Dan Clore
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