Signals in the brain

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Apr 26 02:44:34 EST 1998

Dirk Wessels <d at wxs.nl> wrote:

>Can anyone help me with finding information about
>signals in the brain.
>These are:
>1) EEG-waves.
>2) Calcium waves. (are they the same).
>3) Information on SQUIDs
>4) Information on MRI.

>And the relation between these waves with:
>1) State of subject (sleeping, thinking, looking).
>2) Emotions
>3) The function of the neurons

No, can't really answer you.
Because I do not know what the waves are called in my ranges.
Nor what you would call this stuff anyway.
Sorry, probably this won't make much sense to you, but I'll go for
non-neuro language...


If you dock into a sleeper's brain to use his low levels for frequency
surfing, there are different stages.
When he is dreaming then you can go surfing, but if you send, his
brain won't  react like awake, but just very shortly and different.

The ranges the dreamer goes through seem to be  faster, to alter a lot
and to be far less steady.
(Guess the cholinergic limbic system & the front banks don't hold the
levels like awake, and it is said that the brain stems makes different
energy patterns.)
When the person goes down to low level it feels as if it is very hard
(or to be more precise: impossible)  for me to tune down to there and
as if sending would be wrong / distrubing.
So usually there I would draw out and just on and off shortly run a
check-link until he is dreaming again, and then link in again.

When docking into a sleeper's brain directly after he went to sleep it
might disturb him falling asleep, that dream phase there is still far
closer to awake, it is more like a transit stage.

But I have not played enough with that.

Just tried to say that sleep is not sleep.
And there's bunches of different energy stages when dreaming, and
afterwards come calm(er) different major ones; and then it feels wrong
to "fire in".


If someone looks it depends on how he looks.
If he does what Carlos Castaneda calls "seeing" it is totally
different to normal looking.

When someone looks like in "seeing", then if you link brains your
focus and perception tend to run parallel to quite and extent with the
other one, and if they withdraw inside it goes black.


With thinking  there is a stage that is like calling up memories of
the past and sort of "being there" and seeing them very vividly.
If you watch that one while linked it is very different from most
other sorts of thinking.

It makes different energy stages and different centers go active, than
when being connected to outer stuff and the present.

Also if the memory pictures inside are imagined with high power, to an
extent it becomes visible in the waves, but that one is too tricky to
explain for me.

When someone is tired, sometimes it is easier "to watch" and they
"fade faster", and then you can generate connecting fields
comparitively easily to perceive better.


Emotions there are very different sorts.
There are two main "generators" in the head that together seem to run
thousands of programs, and then there's a bunch of others.

If you have testosterone and cortisol altering, in women the period
rhythm / hormones changing, a few maybe dumping iodine into the
thyroids till hyperactivity  and so on,  
that is like talking bunches of main programs and alterating them

Also a lot of programs are interlinked, which means if you f.e. have a
certain basolateral amygdala program go atomic, it might run via an
area the name of which I do not know into the hypothalamus, alter
stuff there, that making other changes and altering stuff in the
adrenal glands, and that stuff coming back to the brain and making an
entire cascade of alterations, that in extremer cases can alter
hormone levels to an extent, which makes hell of a bunch of hanges

So that is real tricky.

That is sort of a science in itself.

And if you stick certain drugs into the systems, that might alter
hundreds or even thousands of programs again.

This is real tricky.

You can read some of the emotions to an extent by docking into another
brain or body, or by looking normally into the eyes and face and body
posture of another an watch what your counter-echos tell you about
that, but that will never tell you all there is about the other one.

Too many programs, too many differences between yours and the others
cell amounts, connection structures, thyroid settings, "emotional
hormone and endorphine and transmitter" stettings & max./min. ranges,
link and control differences to the centers, genetic differences,
emotional differences through (over-/normal/under-)weight

Functions of the neurons:
I think I rather shut up about my guesses about them.
Apart from that that a factory might be a factory, but necessarily
produce the same stuff as the next one...

>All help will be appreciated,
>    Dirk

Well, I do not know if that was, ...
Guess in my branch we perceive the energies of the brain with
different methods than you do...

Vocabulary is tricky, too.

In my English-German dictionary SQUID is translated as something that
you certainly did not mean here.       :-)

(Though it made me wonder what would happen if I were to try to link
with the big ones... lol  ;-)

And I guess the other way around there'd be very little point if I'd
extrapolate on brain energies concerning some of your questions,
because for that you have to be able to run a few hundred of the other
energy whatevers and link into brain fields in order to really
understand   and for the emotion stuff to access programs in the
emotion sectors and watch the links, and the latter very only few can
do. ...

If that energies stuff is real important to you, I recommend you learn
to perceive them yourself, then you can observe them first vague
broadband, and think about what interestests you, and then find out
what machine stuff there is and measure what you find interesting with
the machines, too, and get more precise subdata.
But if you just work with some subdata, maybe you won't see the bigger
scheme and the relations that well.
Like just seeing the left little toe and the striata, but not the

For understanding the wave-fields it is important to link to different
brains and send and receive and watch how the brains of a man and a
woman of different ages of different peoples react, and if you do not
perceive that  and what is alike and the differences, then there is a
lot that maybe you will never understand.

By the way:
>And the relation between these waves with:
Maybe more go for all the wave-fields.

>1) State of subject (sleeping, thinking, looking).
>2) Emotions
Then very many are there and not as segregated as you list them, and
far more than what you mention here.

>3) The function of the neurons
Goes together with that to quite an extent, but that's too tricky,
cause they are really like factories, and different ones, and sort of
the factory is also seeing to itself...
And there is something (?:soma? thingie around the cell) and I believe
that is very important for what I guess you seek.
Well, I better shut up...
Sun is coming up, coffin time...     ;-)=

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