Signals in the brain

Richard Hall rhall at uvi.edu
Mon Apr 27 04:54:27 EST 1998

What does Dirk Wessels consider to be factual data?  Strictly speaking data
is collected from careful experiments designed to resolve questions based
on hypothesis/models/paradigms and after analysis report the RESULTS of
those experiments in the context of models and hypotheses.

Out of that context, data means nothing.  Absolutely nothing.


At 11:22 AM +0200 4/27/98, Dirk Wessels wrote:
>F. Frank LeFever wrote:
>> Learn a few basics the normal way and then see if you have questions
>> which cannot be answered that way.
>We learn a lot of hypotheses/ models without the factual data.
>This factual data is what I am interested in.
>Is there some available on the net, or do I really have to
>go to a medical university (in an other town).
>    Dirk

Richard Hall
Comparative Animal Physiologist
Division of Sciences and Mathematics
University of the Virgin Islands
St. Thomas, USVI  00802

rhall at uvi.edu

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