Signals in the brain

Douglas Fitts dfitts at u.washington.edu
Mon Apr 27 06:20:09 EST 1998

Check academic publisher's lists on the web for undergraduate textbooks
with titles like "Biopsychology", "Biological Psychology", or
"Psychobiology".  You could either purchase it or possibly arrange an
interlibrary loan from your local library. 


Dirk Wessels <d at wxs.nl> writes:

>F. Frank LeFever wrote:

>> Learn a few basics the normal way and then see if you have questions
>> which cannot be answered that way.

>We learn a lot of hypotheses/ models without the factual data.
>This factual data is what I am interested in.

>Is there some available on the net, or do I really have to
>go to a medical university (in an other town).

>    Dirk

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