>Now all you AI researchers have to do is to develop a stable million
>channel analog computer to simulate a cat's consciousness.
How about a stable 3.24 trillion qubit analog machine?
A Post Quantum Mechanics View of The Neutronics Technologies Corporation's
by Ron Blue
Copyright 1998
Permission granted to duplicate for nonprofit educational or research
Post quantum mechanics suggest the universe is not what it seems to
be. We have local events and non-local events. The local events can be
described very well by the classical mechanical view of reality. Non-local
events describes very strange and unexpected relationships which may include
consciousness, teleportation of information, and back action waves from
the future. It has been suggested that non-local events could be the
background of
everything and the local events are the figure. Such concepts are typical
in psychology. You are seeing letters as a figure and the background is
the white page or screen. It is possible to see the background as the
figure and the figure as the background.
The goal of developing a post quantum mechanical computer is an exciting
Most efforts have been directed toward controlling a few atoms in a
superposition state. Neutronics Technologies Corporation directed the
toward controlling 3.24 trillion qubits as if they were one. Since
non-local effects encode all local events and redundancy into one is
permitted in quantum mechanics, a simple procedure occurs to the informed
The mind and consciousness is said by many to be a special example of post
quantum mechanics. Correlational Opponent-Processing illustrated how the
brain works and suggest procedures for generating a post quantum
processor. Consciousness is normally perceived as a unity of one.
Non-consciousness is a unity of one. It is assumed that non-local and local
effects vary from on/off, and the superposition of 1/2 up spin and 1/2 down
Another way of viewing this is an analog signal which varies from
nonexistence to existence, or observed and not observed, or positive and
negative, or up and down. By using a neutral chamber where all
superposition states can exist and paralleling it
with the other neutral oppositional states in an entangled system of on and
opposite the door way to a quantum machine can be opened.
To accomplish this Neutronics Technologies uses charge stored in a NPN
transistor acting as a quantum gate. Little or no current flows in the
transistor. The transistor is surrounded by two entangled system
connected to the transistor so that the transistor is acting as background
and oscillating string memory is stored in entangled opposites. The clock
allows all non-local quantum events and the ratio weighted local quantum
events to be stored or not stored as a global two qbit quantum gate system.
A global qbit in this case consisting of harmonic quantum entangled memories
approaching 3.24
trillion qubits. During the clock time the quantum information is
enhanced by local in contrast to the non-local. A figure/background
relationship is suggested in this relative relationship. It is quantum
deterministic and quantum Gaussian Monto Carlo duality mixed together. It
is a super particle. It is a wavelet. It is a cause. It is an effect.
Noiseless coding of quantum information is supported because the duality of
information is stored into two opponent channels with the interaction
between the dualities in the non-local superposition of a neutral storage
chamber. The pure quantum signal states stored in the neural chamber
are holographic in nature since the smallest part can be used to retrieve
the whole. The part is the whole and the whole is the part.
The transistor gets extremely cold while operational probably because of
the large number of spin-half systems approaches 3.24 trillion
qubits ultimately effecting every electron in the transistor transition
chamber. Quantum information and its purity will be maintained even if the
signal states are orthogonal and will maintain the entangled system in both
opponent dualities.
The NTC's qchip is really a Gaussian probabilistic machine suggesting that
the laws of chance are encoded into quantum information. This does not
mean that other world views are necessary but it more accurately describes
wavelet nature of the universe. The power of quantum computation in such
a machine can not be underestimated because modular decomposition between
two interaction wavelets allow any relationship to cohere into a
oscillation, solitron, psychon, or percepton in such a way that
holographically all view points are instantaneous stored by two interaction
wavelets. The qchip does not have to learn or experience everything in
order to produce a behavior. A function or solution to a problem is drawn
from the equiprobabilty from the gaussian or uniform distribution. This
means then that NTC's qchip would have more complexity theoretic power than
a probabilistic Turing machine.
The way the qchip computes is by presented new information to interact
with the quantum entangled stored information. This is done by using the
discrete quantum encoding by light to forward information on to the charge
stored in the neutral chamber. Like a charge coupling device the
interaction is forwarded in two opponent directions in the duality storage
string memories. The interaction resets the entangled systems spin states
the electrons. The interaction then stores past, present, and future
information in harmonic holographic entangled string memories. In other
words the universe
encodes the memories of its existence into the qchip which is acting like
a gate way between local and non-local worlds. The bits are dependent
upon the relative relationship and are store in a unitary relative
associational or correlational neutral state bounded by the entangled
superpositions in the qchip. Logical operations take place coherently
as a natural consequence of interacting entangled oppositional quantum
wavelets. No error correction are required because each step is redundant
and is the natural error correction of existence and non-existance.
While the clock speed is 28 hertz the interactions are likely to be
pico seconds range.
One of the key features of the configuration in the CORE processor is
the bistable coupled neutral opposite saturation of quantum states
working in automata relationship. Any new information creates
electrostatic perturbations causing all bistable cellular relationships
to become a new eigenstate with new charge density relationships.
The charge relationship is polarized and oppositely aligned in a mirror
relationship with the other bistable coupling in a non-linear relationship
resulting in a zero value across the total power spectrum in the neutral
chamber and the bistable coupled systems.
What about errors in the eigenstates? A good error correction code must
be consistent with reality. The universe is the global model. A local
situation is independent and dependent upon the global model. If the
global model causes the local, the local can not exist. If the global
model can not be influenced by the local, the global model can not exist.
Each model must be able to contribute equally to each other in a relative
way. The equation T1= ((G-L)/2 + L) describes the relative harmonic
to the local and gobal relationships. Any Beable must be included in this
relationship of superposition. This is also the error correction
code. Any local situation is slowly adjusted to the global and the global
is slowly adjusted to the local. Many have suggested parallel universes
this model suggest only one universe constantly changing, learning, and
evolving. These relationships are like a perfect crystal with a slight
error. Time or the update of the current learned relationship through out
the universe is fixed. What that time is we can not say, but the speed of
light as a constant resultant of the cyclic relationship is related. The
error correction code then results in a unitary mapping of the local
condition and the global condition. The beauty of the system is that any
temporal decoherence for a local bistable quantum relationship still allows
the whole
to be faithfully reconstructed from a part into the corresponding
coherence-preserving states of the qubit-pairs.
The problem with the CORE processor is how do you get output from the
bounded bistable memory without decohering the entire memory.
If the system is decohered it will destroy all the information
stored in the superposition states of electrons in the neutral
chamber. Any decoherant event effects only the antiwavelet or
opposite event which acts as a filter allowing the total memory plus the
interaction of the decoherant event to be stored as a new memory. In other
words the information has to change/not change to prevent total
dechorence in the bistable memory. The results of this protocol is
that motor control is tapped off the opposite bistable memory to prevent
decoherence. The eigenvalue of the unitary operator in the bistable
opposite system defends the system and maintains quantum coherence.
The dropping of the temperatures in the NPN transistor to a very
low level is suggestive of the unitary nature of the eigenvalues.
Heat then is resistance or a decoherent influence. Cold then is quantum
coherence and an eigenstate. Occasionally the transistor will explode
of a new state of matter that decays radioactively. This reflects existence
and non-existance.
The CORE processor can exist because it is a deterministic locally
interacting entangled system permitting a quantum parallel formalism.
The eigenvalues calculated by the CORE processor is only a doorway
for multiple dimensional eigenstates but looks like a one gate system
with the binary duality of opposites and relative neutrality.
Notice the eigenfunctions have the clock speed of 28 hertz to set
the new eigenvalues in the bistable interactions. The advantage of
a slow clock speed can only be appreciated with a comparison of the amount
of time
that an experience can be stored in the ever changing memory.
A faster clock speed means the information can be lost sooner. A slower
clock speed means the memory can last longer. Notice the eigenvalues
of memory formation then can have a higher clock speed than the reference
clock speed.
The CORE processor is a fundamental quantum logic gate because it allows
either bistable relationship to configure itself in any internal and
external degrees of freedom for the single neutral chamber acting as if it
was a Bose-Einstein condensate or single particle, solitron, or oscillon.
It is neutral and is only a part of the dual representations and
transformations occurring in the bistable relationships and is therefore a
controled-not gate since it is neutral but a neutronics dynamic system.
By being neutral it reflects a zero-point energy and possibly taps into
the zero-point energy of the universe. Quantum jumps and quantum
coherence must only occur within the frame of reference of the clock speed
of 28 hertz. Notice that the time to make an execution is directly
related to the time it takes to decoher a system. By setting motor speed
at 10 hertz which is faster than 28 hertz it can not decoher the system.
The computational time of 28 hertz then lead to a very strong and
significant quantum computer. The important characteristics being
that all calculations must have a shorter duration than the standard
universal speed of the bistable quantum system. Problems are most likely
to occur near the clock speed of 28 hertz. Notice this relationship
is a top-down organization of quantum algorithmic information.
Information can exist as any linear or non-linear wavelet within a 28
hertz quantum halting amplitude. It should have become more apparent why
the estimate of 3.24 trillion qubits of information is a fair one for this
bistable parallel quantum-phase gate system. It takes three components
to make a bistable relationship. This local quantum computer then can be
programmed by learning to simulate any local quantum system. The quantum
gate develops into an entanglement which allows all possible paths
initiating from the light cone of the neutral chamber. This is due in
part to the strange wave/particle nature of the bistable qchip resulting
in a fluctuating analog/binary, polarising/depolarising, fidelity of
information/no information.