The following is an evaluation report that I would like to understand
in more detail. Your input, ideas, or experiences will allow me more
avenues to understand beyond the explanations given to me by my
"This patient was evaluated with a 20 channel qEEG for treatment
reccommendations regarding a severe depression that has been drug
resistent but has responded to ECT. The mental states recorded were:
l. eyes closed relaxed. 2. eyes open looking. 3. Reading. 4.
eyes closed serial 7's. 5. eyes closed hyperventilation. 6. eyes
closed light stobe. Remarkably little artifact was obtained and the
patient was coaxed into a fairly aggressive hyperventilation to see if
he could produce a synchronization in his brainwaves. This patient
has a brain pattern of low amplitudes across all band widths. It is a
pattern that has been associated with alcohol and drug addictions as
well as a hypervigilent mental state. It is best described as anxiety
even though he doesn't appear anxious. Most probably his two major
depressions have been a reaction to or overcompensation from this
mental state. In other words he is collapsing out of a permanently
desynchronized state into a state of slowing that has the symptoms of
depression, memory and concentration problems. It can also be
conceived of as a very inefficient allocation of mental resources.
Hyperventillation only slightly synchronized the brain while the light
strobing seemed to get a more pronounced effect mainly in the
frontals. He seemed to be able to focus briefly on a reading task
reducing theta/beta ratios but failed serial 7's becoming disoriented
as to where he was in his count. His theta/beta ratios worsened
during this task compared to an eyes closed baseline. One therapist
titled this an overfocused attention defecit problem. Most probably
this is an inherited brain pattern that has worsened through the
years. Initial feedback to him seemed to make a lot of sense to him
as to how he could become depressed from this brain pattern.
Medications should be in the antianxiety area rather than
antidepressant, preferably something that will slow his brain without
sedating him. Something like Klonipin, Busebar or GABA may allow a
slowing of this pattern without causing concentration problems. 20 to
30 alpha/theta session using the Penniston protocol are also
recommended. This is an intense 4 per week for 3 weeks then reducing
the frequency to help him break this pattern. Following this protocol
the antidepression Rose protocol that works with the frontal lobes may
be helpful."
Is "overfocused attention defecit" a term that is recognized and
understood today?
Since the brain pattern has been associated with alcohol and drug
addictions, how uncommon is it that no addictions exist or is there a
difference for me since I have no addictions?
How could "a hypervigilent mental state" be defined and what can a
person expect from the use of his brain under such conditions?
How would "a very inefficient allocation of mental resources" be best
addressed given the above evaluation? Are there other protocols,
other than listed, which could be investigated?