On Fri, 17 Apr 1998 18:04:21 -0400, "Etherman" <etherman at mdc.net>
>>Greg Eckenrode wrote in message <35355B5B.742 at richnet.net>...
>>Question: How could alien and human DNA mix and produce a viable
>>I agree that it makes no sense. That's why I can't figure out
>why some seemingly intelligent people ascribe to the hypothesis.
>>>For that matter, if the aliens have interstellar technology,
>>why don't they just kill us all cleanly; quicker, probably cheaper.
>>>>Answer: Otherwise aliens wouldn't be abducting people. Duh!
>>What makes you think their goal is to kill/conquer us? Given that
>they haven't done it so far it seems reasonable to conclude that
>is not their goal. All this assuming, of course, that they exist in
>the first place.
>>The Internet's sole purpose is to get porn and
>bomb making plans into the hands of children.
>>etherman at mdc.net>That is if they even exist in the first place.