neurosurgeons in Maryland and/or NY

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Thu Apr 23 22:15:36 EST 1998

It might help if we knew your friend's name.  Otherwise it would be
very difficult to find it/him/her.

At least give us a few hints: male? female? neuter?  How old? Height,
weight?  Any distinguishing marks? (tatoos, scars, etc.?)

In <6ho24k$vd6$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com> kerbalai at rocketmail.com writes: 
>Hi folks.
>  I´m looking for a neurosurgery doctor that a friend of mine here in
>told me about. It´s supposed to be working in a US marines base area
down in
>Maryland, but unfortunately, I can´t find it so, If anybody knows
>please let me know. If there´s a neurosurgery related medical lab or
>something like it, please post it too.
>  You could answer me at the following e-mail address:
>         kerbalai at hotmail.com
>In case that you have some papers you can send me, you could do so at
>   Carlos Kerbalai Felix Lau
>   Argentina esq. Lopez Rayon # 1110
>   Col. Juan Cota
>   Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico
>   C.P. 81200
>   Tel 011-052 (68) 15 35 47
>Thanks in advance.
>               Carlos K. Felix
>-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion
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