"Abductions" DO NOT exist :scientists should fight this crap,like Carl Sagan did

Jani Store store at cc.helsinki.fi
Fri Apr 24 03:38:53 EST 1998

In sci.physics Jim Hunter <jim.hunter at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu> wrote:
: Troll wrote:
: > 

:  > >  ---
:  > >  Jim
:  > Jim think of any real life waking event that happened to you in your
:  > past. Make it something that you know really happened. Something that
:  > you  remember clearly.
:  > Now is there any scientific theory that I could explain to you that
:  > would make you begin to believe that that really probably never
:  > happened?

:  The chances are better that I'm God, than you have
:  of convincing me that anything that originated in 
:  an Usenet ALIEN thread is true.

Oh my God!

So it shall be written - so it shall be done!
Soon there won't be any stars in the sky.

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