> > bi0menac at you.cant.get.me.spammers wrote:
> [...]
> >he has more babies. Hence, his genes get spread around. Short wimpy
> >man kills a couple of beasts, but is usually hungry, dies early when
> >he trips and a mammoth steps on him, and has very few babies cause
> >women all like big strong man. So his genes get weeded out and the
> >next generation is mostly big strong man. The problem with that is,
> >with our technology, wimpy man doesnt get weeded out. Wimpy man
> >for some computer company, has 2.3 kids, and then stops. Meanwhile,
> >strong man works as a welder, has 2.3 kids, and is done. No one gets
> >weeded out, even though wimpy man is probably better suited to our
> >culture. [...]
Where are the ALIENS in this wimpy "theory"?