>>he has more babies. Hence, his genes get spread around. Short wimpy
>>man kills a couple of beasts, but is usually hungry, dies early when
>>he trips and a mammoth steps on him, and has very few babies cause the
>>women all like big strong man. So his genes get weeded out and the
>>next generation is mostly big strong man. The problem with that is,
>>with our technology, wimpy man doesnt get weeded out. Wimpy man works
>>for some computer company, has 2.3 kids, and then stops. Meanwhile,
>>strong man works as a welder, has 2.3 kids, and is done. No one gets
>>weeded out, even though wimpy man is probably better suited to our
>>culture. [...]
>>Well, the saving grace of all this may just be that "I like to think a lot" man
>doesn't get weeded out to the same extent that he probably would have
>in a solely "big strong man" society.
>>Although I haven't thought all of this through well enough yet to say the
>above with any large amount of confidence.
Actually, in the past, big strong man has been weeded out. Remember
the neanderthals? Their strength was not enough to stand up to the cro
magnons brains. So they eventually died out, whereas the cro magnon
survived and became homosapien. The thing is, now, there is nothing
that will weed out either big strong or short wimpy man. so evolution
is pretty much dead in the water.
- I used to be completely clueless, but since then I've done a complete 360.
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