"Abductions" DO NOT exist :scientists should fight this crap,like Carl Sagan did

Etherman etherman at mdc.net
Thu Apr 23 17:09:29 EST 1998

twitchb at worldnet.att.net wrote in message
<6hl4lr$epq at bgtnsc02.worldnet.att.net>...

>Most of the people had been subjected to hypnosis.  A study
>commission by the Royal College of Psychiatrists published
>in the April edition of the British Journal of Psychiatry
>states that "any memory recovered through hynopsis, dream
>interpretation, or regression therapy is almost certainly

This is nothing more than an appeal to authority. Even a
casual perusal of psychological journals demonstrates
that hypnosis can, in some circumstances, improve
memory.  Even when it is detrimental it's a stretch
to say that the memories are almost certainly wrong
(unless by wrong they mean <100% accurate).


The Internet's sole purpose is to get porn and
bomb making plans into the hands of children.

etherman at mdc.net

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