Stop torturing and mutilating animals. Perception on other ranges...

cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Tue Apr 21 17:17:13 EST 1998

Jim Hunter <jim.hunter at REMOVE_TO_EMAIL.jhuapl.edu> wrote:

>cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de wrote:

>> (Copyright 1998 by LSD Weaver, parts of the text already copyrighted
>> 1997 in "...The Mind ...")

>... Something appearing to be "thought" deleted.

Man, are you fast, I am impressed.
How exactly did you (not) think I got the data to write a book with
theories about MBD folks & autsists with less cells in areas of the
brain & effects of such alterations concerning some sectors?

Do you think I needed a lot of neuroshrinkshit for that?

It might have escaped your attention, but having thought cells deleted
is fairly unimportant, as it is still no problem to get A-level and
make base studies at university and so on, as the stuff taught there
and teh ways it is taught are oftens so mind-bogglingly dumb, that it
seems dumb even to the brain damaged...

Unfortunately even that does not make some people reconsider the
education system...

Actually I just took one short glance at main studies and then left
university, cause that really got too dumb, for that I do not go
through the trouble to stay connected.
For the results of the research about the minds of thousands of years
I do.

Unfortunately your deeducation has somehow not achieved to bring your
up to current data with (Red-)Indian and Australian research it

Therefore it is no wonder that stuff that has been known several
thousand years ago is still not known by you or treated like THE new


Next time I meet with another brainsurfer I might bet with him when
you folks are reaching the data those of us reached who even had far
more thinking cells deleted than I and who have so few connections
that they can subperceive in many sectors far better than I can...

My, if you go on torturing mammals for a while, maybe you finally
figure out where your own areas on the brain, now would that not be
nice for you to know?  (If it weren't for what you do to other
mammals...)  Mega-LOL

And another little advantage that you overlook is that the less cells
you have the more you might know about subareas of the brain.
All of the branches to do the mind of the world that are not stupid
know that some of the autist brainsurfers are one of the greatest and
possibly unique data-sources about some areas of the mind that normal
people can't access, and some are also aware that many of the  games
some autists play in other sectors of the brain might be experiments
that show what might be possible for many normal brains, too, showing
possible new uses for sectors of the brain.
Even as an ex-brainsurfer you can get some of the magicians and others
realease normally well-guarded data to you if you indicate else you do
not tell them what you know about the brain, either.

Others have to train in some odd cult for many years or study ages; I
might straight tromp into the place and take the leader or someone
more interesting of the magic circle or that university building and
get him to answer my questions.

It certainly speeds a lot of things up, hehe...

And actually, even if you are thought deleted, once you figure out the
trick how to use other brains, that does not matter so much.

> theory of relativity.

Einstein did unfortunately not know how to go frequency surfing.

And I would not bet on that he did not have a MBD.

>   See this same post in sci.logic in regards to frequency, bandwidth,
>   and encoding scheme for C.C. "seeing".  

In case you mean me I did not give out the encoding scheme.

That stuff goes through to  and is sent by so many sectors that even
back then I could not perceive  that I do not understand it well, and
also lowest I ever perceived aware and for sure was an area of
cell-cluster-area, but not single cells and synapses.

I do not KNOW what the encoding scheme is...

(....Though I might grin if I read questions about "oscillations of
the nervous membrane" ...  ;-)

But as a teacher of two sense enhancers and teaching brains directly
with wave-fields I am occasionally having a thought or two about
certain things that are hard to fail to notice when receiving and
sending stuff and when teaching the brains of newies and comparing.

But thinking of course just occurs occasionally; the by you mentioned
thought deletion is a nice stage, and I would not want to disturb it
too much      ....while frequency surfing.   ;-)

The Neanderthaler troll  life has the advantages that not thinking you
are consdierably less prejudiced by other people's opinions about what
you perceive and the death of thinking areas has the advantages that
the signals from the other sectors can't pass there anymore, so that
you get a deeeep insight into autism and can make areas of the brain
function so autonomically, that they can independently run the body
and develop capacities, that yours will never have, and watch things
in the mind, that you can study all your life and yet will never
understand, hehe.

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