In article <Pine.LNX.3.96L.980422144555.2203D-100000 at>,
vancureb at says...
>>>Hi everybody! This is a new group for me and I like to say that reading
>your comments sometimes helps with thoughts and problems I have.
>>My new problem is related to Psilocybin and Psilocin. I am researching
>this topic and how it affects the brain and which receptors which
>it goes through. I know that the structure is similar to serotonin,
>current 1988, and I wanted to find out if anyone else has or is looking
>into this topic. This is for a research paper in an upper division
>Human Physiology class and Eastern New Mexico University and my instructor
>is Dr. Ashby. Any responses will help. thank you!
Go to the National Library of Medicine MedLine search at
This excellent (and free!) service will find most everything you need.
I got 352 hits on psilocybin.