An Anonymous CIA Agent wrote:
>>density4 at (Blue Resonant Human) wrote:
>> >Don't laugh too quickly here, Bro. P:. for we've spoken to a good many
> >Space Alien Abductees and though they've all been assaulted with the
> >Holy Anal Probes, not a one of them recalls ever seeing the probes
> >being sterilised.
>> >I shit you not.
>> >Now, it strikes me that a number of dentists have been plagued with
> >lawsuits regarding their conceivable spreading of the AIDS virus via
> >unsterilised dental equipment. In the same fashion that the mighty
> >gangster Al Capone was finally toppled by the efforts of our Fine
> >American IRS lawyers, perhaps we'd fare better against the Grey
> >Invasion of Galactic Butt Pirates from Zeta Ridiculi if only we'd set
> >our lawyers after them.
>> Not only this, Brother Blue, but we recently received a Confidential
> Briefing Paper which described the efforts of the WHO and CDC in this
> regard. It appears they concocted and infected many cattle with the
> "Mad Cow Disease" in a valiant attempt to poison the Grey Aliens. The
> next time the Greys core out a cow asshole and chow down, bingo --
> they've been had!
>> -An Anonymous CIA Agent